Castle Wall is a block that is most often hand pieced with Y seams and trapeziods. With this pattern, you can achieve a complicated looking block somewhat simply....Here's how to make a 12" finished block.
Please make a sample block before cutting a bunch of fabric to insure the instructions are correct. This is my first attempt at writing this type of instruction and no one has proofed it for me.
If you use this pattern to make a block, or a whole quilt, please share it. I would love to see it.
To make demonstration easier, the instructions will refer to colors as in the photo above. Castle Wall can be done up a number of ways such as dark center, light star points, dark trapezoids, etc. Look online and you will find a number of combinations.
BLUE (4) 2 1/2" squares
(16) 2" squares
RED (8) 2" x 4" rectangles
GREEN (2) 5" squares
NEUTRAL (1) 5 1/2'" square
(2) 5" squares
(8) 2" squares
(4) 2" x 2 1/2" rectangles
IMPORTANT...Use a scant quarter inch seam.
Draw a diagonal line, corner to corner on the wrong side each of the blue and neutral 2" squares.
Draw a diagonal line, corner to corner on the wrong side of the 2 neutral 5" squares.
CENTER SNOWBALL BLOCK 1 unit 5 1/2" square unfinished
Position a blue square in each corner of the neutral 5 1/2" square and stitch a scant to the right of the line. Cut off the excess corners. PRESS toward the blue.
CORNER BLOCKS 4 units 4" square unfinished
Position the neutral 5" square on top of a green 5" square, right sides together. Sew a quarter inch seam on each side of the drawn line. Cut on the marked line. Open half square triangles and PRESS toward the neutral. You will end up with 4 half square triangles. Trim each of them to 4" square. I have made two of these blocks and I forgot to square them up both times.....had to do them again.
You could also use your easy angle to make this unit.
Position a blue 2" square in the neutral corner and sew a diagonal seam. Cut off the corner. PRESS toward the neutral.
CHEVRON UNITS 4 units 4"x 5 1/2" unfinished
To make chevrons, begin with the 8 red rectangles. Position and sew 2" blue and neutral squares to make 4 uphill and 4 downhill chevrons. PRESS toward the triangles. (I am assuming you know how to make the chevrons and don't need to go into more detail.
Middle unit - Sew a neutral 2" x 2 1/2" rectangle to each of the 4 blue 2 1/2" squares. PRESS toward the blue. (You could also strip piece these with 11" strips of each...2" and 2 1/2")
Sew an uphill chevron on the right and a downhill chevron on the left of the sub unit above.
Sew the nine units together
Clear as mud?????